
terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016

Brave hearts

Bom, para manter alguma regularidade nas publicações do blog, vou continuar postando sobre meu dia a dia (em inglês).


Daily post

In the last post, I wrote about how the week was going bad, with a lot of bad news. Well, so I am officially promoting March as the bad news month!

There are a couple of things that are making me feel sad in the last days. One of the main things is the fact that I am having a lot of trouble to publish an article based on part of my master thesis and probably I will have to quit this specific quest. At least, I have another set of data that is more consistent and thus has more chance of being published. This may seem something quite stupid, but in my career, spreading the results of your work on scientific periodic is the main goal and it is very frustrating to not achieve it. Seems like my work is incomplete.

Well, I must admit that all these bad things happening put me down. But, today, when I was waiting for the electrochemistry class to start I realized that I also have a lot of good things happening in my life. I achieved a lot of things and gave a bunch of steps closer to my dreams. Then, giving in now would be really stupid.

So, when I arrived at home I decided to rethink, reorganize and update my plans. I also worked on my whiteboard that was forgotten in my bedroom. You can see a quotation I wrote in it:

(Sorry for not showing all the board. I also updated some information regarding my Ph.D project that I would not like to spread yet)
The quotation "Life is never kind. Kind hearts don't make a new story. Kind hearts don't grab any glory" is from a silly song that I used to listen when I was a teenager (the song is at the end of the text). At that time, I used to think that "kind" meant only goodness, but now I see this phrase in a completely different way. Living is not an easy task and it requires from us a lot of energy to escape from the flux and make things to happen in the manner and direction we wish. A peaceful (or kind) heart may not have the ability to change its own life..

Well maybe nobody can change its own destiny, but, at least, brave hearts can try.

As promised, here is the song:


Post scriptum

Quinta-feira tenho duas provas. E, talvez, as vezes não seja bom ficar filosofando demais..

Até mais.

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