
segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2016


Um texto curto para hoje.

Daily post

On Saturday, I went to Belém Park to skate. For years, I tried to implement any physical activity in my routine, seeking a healthy way of life. Most of the times I tried to play Basketball, but for many reasons it never worked for much time. Since September 2015, I have been inline skating. I really like it (as much as basketball). I feel free with my rollers. :) On Sunday I decided to clean the roller and in this morning I finished the maintenance (see the figure 1).
Figure 1 - roller about to be cleaned
Today morning I also cleaned a very old folder containing some drawings, school report cards, photos and poems I wrote a long time ago. Well, I decided to throw away things that I don't need to think about anymore. The folder is much lighter and organized now. I became happy when I saw some old photos (even some photos of Rex, Ruffos and Cristal!) and my drawings (an example in figure 2). I miss drawing, maybe I should start doing it again.

Figure 2 - A very old drawing

Post Scriptum

Nostalgicamente escrevendo ao som de Barenaked Ladies, esperando o horário de pico passar para voltar para casa, aliviado por ter dado tudo certo nas provas da semana passada, leve por sentir que as coisas vão melhorar e pensando em como montar uma aula de psicologia da educação relacionando com psicologia ambiental.

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